Dormitory Application Form Welcome to Global Residence! Dorm move-in day - "To be announced" Please download and fill out Dorm Application form and submit application form in below section: Click here to download application form Family Name Given Name Gender Female Male Are you student of MIU or LEI ? MIU LEI If you are a MIU Student, which department are you in? Please select SoM - International Business Management (IM) SoM - Hotel & Tourism Management (HTM) SoM - Global Marketing Management (GMM) SoM - Accounting (ACCT) SISC - International Relations (IR) SISC - Media Communication (MC) SISC - International Law (IL) SCS - Computer Science (CS) SCS - Software Engineering (SE) SoE - English Education (EE) SoE - Music Education Biotechnology & Food Science (BT) Energy Resource & Environmental Technology (ET) Fashion Design (FD) If you are a MIU Student, which year are you in? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Super Senior Email address Phone number Student ID Citizenship Home Address Filled out Application form By submitting this form, you agree to the Mongolia international University privacy notice. Submit