Hello MIUers,
We hope that all of you are enjoying your offline and online classes.

We are officially announcing that the Student Clubs are opening from now.

✏︎ To open new club you should get the application form from the WISE system and print out. You must have 1 Mentor Professor, 1 leader and more than 3 members in your club. Every clubs must get approval from the SU President ( Mungunsudar ) by HARDCOPY!
The leaders who are opening new club should bring member registration list or form.

Due date of Student Club registration: September 13th-17th.

✏︎ To register the club you should get your registration form from your leader and give to your leader.
Due date: September 15th-17th.

Your SU will be in the Gilgal for you until this Friday.


20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service

The MIU 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service was held at 05:30 PM – 09:00 PM on Thursday 9th June 2022 with partnering organization leaders. The event