17th Graduation Commencement

On Friday 17th June 2022 the Mongolia International University (MIU) held

the 17th Graduation commencement ceremony.

In total, 105 graduates were awarded Bachelor’s degrees in the areas of Business

Administration, Hotel and Tourism Management, English Education, Software Engineering,

Computer Science, Biotechnology and Food Science, Energy Resources and Environmental

Technology, Fashion Design, Media and Communication, International Relations, and Music


11 students were awarded Master’s degrees in the areas of Public Administration, Software

Engineering, and Foreign Language Education.

The ceremony started with a welcome address by Dr.Kwon Oh Moon, President of MIU, for

esteemed dignitaries, parents, students, and faculty members.

Honorable Guest and Speakers included: Eun Sung Lee, Former lecturer at MIU, Saebom Park,

Former lecturer at MIU, Professor Sim Ju Yoan and, Tsenguun Bayaraa, President of MIU

Alumni Association.

The function continued with guests sharing some professional industry experiences, along with a

motivational and inspirational speeches.

The speech was followed by the “Honor student’’ award distribution ceremony, including:

2 students from the Business Administration department

3 students from the English Education department

2 students from the International Relations department

1 student from the Fashion Design, Energy Resources and Environmental Technology, Media

and Communication, Hotel and Tourism Management departments.

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Student’s accomplishment

The National English Competition organized by the Mongolian University of Science and Technology was held on March 14th – March 18th. It involved every university’s