Category: Student Success

MC Career Day

When you hear “MC Major”, you might think of journalism, but journalism is only one small part of the World of Media and Communication. Discover

17th Graduation Commencement

On Friday 17th June 2022 the Mongolia International University (MIU) held the 17th Graduation commencement ceremony. In total, 105 graduates were awarded Bachelor’s degrees in the

Student’s accomplishment

The National English Competition organized by the Mongolian University of Science and Technology was held on March 14th – March 18th. It involved every university’s

Release the Creativity

The Annual Exhibition of the Fashion Design Department was successfully held. As the online classes continued, FD students, in particular, faced a lot of difficulties

Video Training

The 1st section of Video training by Marketing team has successfully held. Thank you very much for all participants and instructor.  The next section has

MNCEA inspectors are working on FD curriculum accreditation

MNCEA inspectors are working on Fashion Design curriculum accreditation process from 2021.11.17 – 2021.11.18. at our university campus. -‐——‐——————————————————————————————————————Эм Ай Ю дээд сургуулийн Хувцасны дизайн хөтөлбөр

“Planning your future” Seminar by SISC

“Planning your future ” Seminar 2021 /REMINDER/ School of International Studies and Communication is having “Planning your future” seminar on November 19, 2021. This is

MIU Colloquim

Dear students, The first colloquim will be held this Friday, 12th of November. Topics: Christopher Collins (GE) “Moral (Re) Formation in Early Twentieth Century Japan: